Wednesday, August 31, 2016

IHMCC Pilgrimage to France

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the IHM France pilgrimage blog. Going on a pilgrimage is one of the most ancient and traditional means of deepening one's faith. On this journey, we will be praying, feasting, and enjoying the many sights and experiences of ancient and contemporary France. We will visit religious sites where we will have the opportunity to express our devotion to the Blessed Mother. We will celebrate Mass at various Marian Shrines, including Lourdes, where the Blessed Mother appeared to St. Bernadette.  We look forward to each other's company as we celebrate our faith and enrich our understanding and appreciation of these special places with Mary, the Mother of God, and with Christ's disciples. 

Each day will be steeped in prayer, especially reflections upon the Gospel texts appropriate to each place we visit.  Each day we will celebrate Christ’s gift to us on the night before He died, the Holy Eucharist.  As we journey to these far-away lands, we will keep you in prayer and ask that you pray for us as well, for a safe and grace-filled journey.


Day to Day Itinerary

                           September 5: Depart USA
                           September 6: Arrive Paris
                           September 7: Paris
                           September 8: Paris/Chartres
                           September 9: Lisieux/Bayeux
                           September 10: Bayeux/Nantes
                           September 11: Nantes/Lourdes
                           September 12: Lourdes
                           September 13: Lourdes
                           September 14: Lourdes/Avignon
                           September 15: Avignon/Lyon
                           September 16: Lyon/Nevers
                           September 17: Nevers/Paris
                           September 18: Depart Paris/Arrive USA